Vastu for Pooja Room
Vastu for Kitchen
Vastu for Kitchen
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Vastu For Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of every house and everyone loves that place. In kitchen interior designing Vastu matters a lot, the perfect kitchen position in the home as per Vastu shastra guidelines is the southeast corner of the house, which is owned by the Fire god or Agni devta.
Kitchen Vaastu gives insights into many aspects; the part of the house the kitchen is found in, the direction that it faces, doors and window placements, and areas where gadgets and appliances will be placed, including where the gas cylinder, refrigerator, and sink should be located.
Our decor experts at give insights into different Vaastu Guidelines and also explain the scientific reasoning behind each of them. These will be interpreted and used at your discretion within the kitchen.
As per Vastu choose the best location for your Kitchen
Southeast or Northwest: Southeast or Northwest are considered the most effective locations to line up your home kitchen. When cooking was done on woodfired stoves earlier, these corners were most preferred since hot winds, blowing from S-W to N-E direction, couldn't cause damage to the house by fire. The South-East corner is additionally considered the most effective since the element of the fireside governs this direction.
Avoid the Northeast location for your kitchen. With the first-morning sun entering the house from the North and East direction, a front room that opens out into other rooms is a perfect option. Placing a kitchen there's considered a waste of space.
Location of the Doors and Windows as per the Vaastu Shastra
Doors to the kitchen should be placed within the NORTH, EAST, or NORTH-EAST DIRECTION. Since the South-East is taken into account as a perfect location for the kitchen, in an L-shaped layout, if the countertops are positioned along these two walls, the doorway can only be made up of the North or West direction.
Kitchen doors should open clockwise. This helps the bulk of the population, which is right-handed.
The main kitchen windows should face the East. With early morning sunlight considered beneficial to health and UV rays sanitizing the cooking space, it's thought that East facing windows allows the flow of sunshine and helps rid the kitchen of odors, and germs, and dispel darkness. This sunlight is additionally good for homeowners who might not go outside to soak it in.
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